Ordinary Meditation #12 : Definitions

Ordinary Meditation #12 : Definitions

It has been a while since I added a new OM here. In fact, I had to backtrack and see what OM number this one should be. This new Ordinary Meditation, like a lot of others in this blog, is an insight from being mom to an amazing six-year-old girl. I have discovered that six is the age of, “What’s that mean?”. It has been a very insightful exercise to define things as simply as I can so Mecca can understand these words that we use so often ( but rarely meditate on). Basic words that we often use take on a new color when you have to explain it to a six-year-old child. I was telling my wonderful sister-in-law about how I defined Santa Claus to Mecca as someone who brings the gifts sent by people who love us. My sister-in-law said, ” So you defined Santa as the UPS guy?”. I guess I did.

It’s a good exercise that helps us see how we see things. It is also a chance to chuck old definitions that were passed on to us by people who didn’t bother defining the words for themselves. Very basic words like, woman. Or work, or money or freedom or world.

OM #12: Definitions
As simply and as honestly as you can, write down your definition of the following words.
1. Thank you
2. Please
3. Dream
4. Woman
5. Work
6. Good
7. Money
8. Brave
9. Freedom
10. Country

After that, review your answers and ask yourself whether your definitions are still true to you. If not, redefine the words. What SHOULD these words mean? Add new words to examine. Remember, define the words as simply as you can.

Chati Coronel , Guest Blogger
Chati is a coffee lover, mom to an amazing 8 yr old, a sublime artist. Her works can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Chatishine.
