De-cluttering Your Toys


Happy New Year!

As with all things in our home, we need to throw or give away outgrown and broken toys and make space for new ones that will serve your children’s play needs this year.

Refresh your toy chest with 3 simple tips:

1. At what stage of development is your child in now?

Just like outgrown clothes, donate outgrown toys to those who can benefit from them. Make a list of toys appropriate for your child’s development and plan your purchases. This site shows appropriate toys by age and stage

2. Enter a toy store that reflects what you want your children to have.

Bigger is not always better. A big toy store carries more, but also carries a lot of toys that will tempt your children via TV commercials and may not be the kind of toys you want to buy for your child. (A few faddish toys are fine but hopefully, the bulk of your toy chest are toys carefully chosen and well loved by your kids.)

3. Designate a fixed space for toys.

If the space is full and you need to add a new toy, give away or dispose of an old toy. Equip your children to make wise choices this young by letting them help you decide which toys stay and which go out. (Of course, keep in mind that you have to help your children as they may be swayed by fads. You’re still the parent and you ought to know better!)

The New Year is a great time to take stock of your material possessions and consciously choose which can stay. As in everything, balance is the key.

